Learning resources about programming, data wrangling and visualization with R
Tidyverse Skills for Data Science
R for Data Analysis - video course
R Markdown: The Definitive Guide
Happy Git and GitHub for the useR
GRAPH Data Analysis & Statistics courses
Harvard University’s Introduction to Programming with R (CS50R)
Video tutorials on functions of the dplyr package
Fuzzy String Matching in R | Overview and R Tutorial (Using fuzzywuzzy, polyfuzz, and difflib)
Stop Making Spaghetti (Code) - Nicola Rennie
Collection of R tutorials by Sharon Machlis
An Introduction to Using LLMs With R
R CHARTS - code examples of R graphs made with base R graphics, ggplot2 and other packages
openxlsx package - RDocumentation
How to fill maps with density gradients with R, {ggplot2}, and {sf} | Andrew Heiss
Intermediate guide to publish a Quarto website with GitHub & Netlify